Celeb Style: Ellen Page in Inception
Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Cillian Murphy all in one movie? This has to be a dream and after seeing the movie, Inception, I’m wondering if it is… This blockbuster has everything you could ever ask for: action, suspense, beautiful people, romance, a premise that will blow your mind and cause you to question your own reality, and oh yeah – scarves! Ellen Page... -
Scarf Up That Handbag!
Is your handbag losing that edge? That burst of style that it once had? Do you envy celebrities like Heidi Montag, Jennifer Anniston or Eva Longoria Parker for their sense of style and fashion? Well, if you envy Heidi for other reasons besides her purse, then I cannot help you…But if you do dig the above three’s bodacious bags then ladies, you have come... -
Current Contest Rundown
Who says your summer love can’t be with a scarf? At Let’s Win Blog they want you to win a scarf of your choice! Ends 7/28 Good Luck! There's no place like home! Take me back to ScarvesDotNet.