13 Scarf-Tastic Olympic Uniforms Throughout History


Here in the Scarves Dot Net office we have a soft spot for some good pomp and circumstance. (And we’ve been known to swing a scarf or two around our heads in celebration.) ; ) While watching all of the news roll in about the upcoming London Olympics, we can’t help but notice all of pretty little scarves amidst the opening ceremony uniforms — so we decided to compile a few for your perusing. ; )

2012 USA Olympians and their scarves

1. USA, 2012. (Image Source: National Post)

1992 Olympians from Russia wearing scarves

2. Russia, 1992. (Image Source: The Daily)

2012 female Olympians from China wearing scarves

3. China, 2012. (Image Source: Runway2Reality)

2012 female Olympian from Belize wearing a scarf

4. Belize, 2012. (Image Source: Olympic Fanatic)

2012 Olympians from Germany wearing scarves

5. Germany, 2012. (Image Source: Time)

2012 female Olympians from South Korea wearing scarves

6. South Korea, 2012. (Image Source: Time)

2012 female Olympian from Australia wearing a scarf

7. Australia, 2012. (Image Source: Zimbio)

2008 female Olympians from Spain and their scarves

8. Spain, 2008. (Image Source: The Daily)

2008 female Olympians from Iran wearing scarves

9. Iran, 2008. (Image Source: Newshopper)

1976 female Olympians from France and their scarves

10. France, 1976. (Image Source: Buzzfeed)

2012 female Olympian from Ukraine wearing a scarf

11. Ukraine, 2012. (Image Source: Kyivpost)

2000 female Olympians from USA wearing scarves

12. USA, 2000. (Image Source: FoxSports)

1992 female Olympians from Morocco and their capes

13. Morocco, 1992. (Image Source: TheDaily) Technically not scarves, but we love capes too! ;)

While we are the first to fight for free-spirited fashion and the banishment of uniformity, there is just something so cool about all of the Olympians walking in the opening ceremonies supporting their country. If there’s ever a time to dress the same as your neighbor, the Olympics have to be it. ; )

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