How to Tie a Chunky Scarf – XOXO, SDN
 ♥ Roses are red. Violets are blue. A new scarf knot is my Valentines gift to you! ♥ Get an oversized, chunky scarf knot in three easy steps: 1. Loop the scarf around your neck once. 2. Pull one side through the the loop around your neck, creating another loop. 3. Pull the other side through the loop you created. Poof and fluff your scarf... -
Link Love Friday
TGIF. To get things started right this Valentine’s Day weekend, our Friday links are taking a rose-tinted approach to life and highlighting what we love this week. She’s a gal after our own heart, from her pink bow to her garland of hearts. Odee.com has 12 vintage Valentine cards with funny messages. ♥ Stop Clubbing, Baby Seals. Because the Scarves Dot Net girls appreciate... -
DIY: How to Make a Belt from a Scarf
I know we say it all the time, but you can make almost anything out of a scarf. Everything from a baby sling, to a shirt, to curtains, to art, and even camera straps — scarves can do it all.  A while back, the girls in the scarf office saw a scarf belt over on Anthropologie and we knew we had to make...