• How to Tie a Scarf: Boho Loop Tie

    How to Tie a Scarf: Boho Loop Tie
    Instructions: Step 1: Find the middle of your scarf and place it on the front of your neck. Toss the ends of the scarf over your shoulders and let it rest on your back. Step 2: Pull the ends of the scarf to the front. Step 3: Tie the ends loosely and you’ve got it! :)   There's no place like home! Take me back to ScarvesDotNet.
  • Link Love Friday

    Link Love Friday
    Hello all you scarf cats! It’s the end of another week and time for our weekly scarf wrap-up. ;) This weekend all of the girls in the scarf office are heading to downtown Indianapolis to see the Super Bowl Village to check out the draaaastic changes in our beloved Circle City. We’ve also planned to scope out all the “Super Scarves” like the one...
  • Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarf: Sarah and Tieka

    Sisterhood of the Traveling Scarf: Sarah and Tieka
    Our Traveling Scarf has been trekking around the country, being passed from blogger to blogger. We’re excited to say that cute and crafty additions are being made to the scarf, and it’s being styled in lovely ways. Here are the scarf’s adventures with the latest gals of the Sisterhood: We knew the scarf would be in good hands when it arrived on the Sassy...
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